Filtering by: family event

Special Needs Respite Night
4:00 PM16:00

Special Needs Respite Night

  • The Bridge Church of Granbury (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Special Needs Parents, are you ready for a night out just for you? We are offering a Respite night for your SN kiddos and their siblings ages 2-17. Bring your own snacks, and a favorite game/toy. Supervision by experienced Occupational Therapist and support staff. Diapers and mild physical needs are ok. Some snacks and beverages, fun and activities provided. Wheel chair accessible. Monday, Feb. 21, 4pm - 7pm, at The Bridge of Granbury, 1107 Weatherford Hwy., Granbury. Space is limited, RSVP is REQUIRED ahead. Call 682-333-1555 or email to reserve space and complete registration information.

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3rd Annual Pointe Fore-Ward Golf Tournament
1:00 PM13:00

3rd Annual Pointe Fore-Ward Golf Tournament

Greetings from Lake Pointe Academy Families,

We want to thank you for your support of the Lake Pointe “Pointe Forward “ Golf Tournament. Because of our community participation, we were able to raise $16,045 in 2017. This had a huge impact in helping my child and many others this past year.

I’d like to begin by sharing with you the reason for our Annual Golf Tournament. The fact that 1 in 49 children are affected by Autism is astounding! Autism is a life-long developmental condition that affects using and understanding language, social skills, academics, and future employment opportunities. The good news is intensive intervention is shown to increase skill development and the potential for greater independence in 87% of children who receive it.

To address this issue the school began 6 years ago with a vision and 1 student. We have grown to over 25 students and a full staff in providing a highly specialized and therapeutic K-12 school program. Lake Pointe Academy is designed in such a way that these excellent teaching strategies can benefit ALL children yet not available in other schools. We have been blessed by the growth, but also, challenged with the costs involved in providing intensive instruction. We have had to turn away a number of students whose families are financially disadvantaged.

The beneficiaries of the Golf Tournament proceeds have received financial support in scholarship and reduced tuition. We are asking for your continued partnership for the tournament again this year, and in the years to come. We are working hard to make a difference in these children’s lives by preparing them for their future. Please put us on your calendar for September 14, 2018 and if possible, please consider giving even more for the education of these children. Your support genuinely makes a difference for EVERY child who attends Lake Pointe Academy.

On our website is the Sponsorship packet for this year’s Event. We ask that you would respond as quickly as possible. We are dedicated to a tournament that you will be proud to be a part of. Thank You in advance for supporting Lake Pointe Academy and the Mission to educate and help these children from this “Pointe Forward” making a difference for the rest of their lives.

Best Regards,

Lendel Flournoy, Golf Committee Chair, 2018

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