Charlena Priddy, MS, LPC

WholeHeart Counseling is now providing services on select days at our Location in Granbury! Specializing in AutPlay therapy for children with autism, we are so grateful to Charlena Priddy for partnering with us to bring this needed service to Granbury!

Registered Play Therapist

AutPlay Therapy Certified

119 N. Main Street, Suite 217, Weatherford, TX 76086 Office: 940-859-0108

Madalyn Cano, MSSW, LCSW

Madalyn Cano is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) providing a wealth of experience and expertise in working with children and families affected by learning and developmental challenges through professional counseling and case management services. Madalyn is super passionate about helping parents of special needs kiddos, sharing resources for informational education, helping kiddos find a strong sense of identity, belonging and significance in a way they understand and can communicate.

Click here for details on areas of practice: MORE INFO

Madalyn is also a NeuroNet/Step Up To Learn and Tomatis® Method independent provider. These complementary therapies can be accessed as stand alone intervention points of service (see below) or combined with individual counseling/therapy sessions.

FAQ’s: What does a Licensed Clinical Social Worker do?

A: A licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) assesses, diagnoses, and treats mental health issues, emotional disturbances, and behavioral disorders. We also provide counseling, intervention, and case management services. 

FAQ’S: What is Integrative Therapy?

A: Integrative therapy is a psychological approach that combines different therapeutic methods and ideas to create a personalized treatment plan for each client. It's sometimes called holistic therapy because it considers a person's mental, physical, and emotional health as a whole. 

Submit a request for more information by clicking here

theTOMATIS ® Method

The TOMATIS® Method Improves Motor, Emotional and Cognitive abilities, through Music and Language-


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neuronet step up to learn

NeuroNet | Step Up To Learn

NEURONET/STEP UP TO LEARN® - 1:1 guided sessions. Movement-based curriculum and intervention for K-12 school ages. Helps the brain become “available for learning” in Reading, Math, Handwriting, Language, Memory, Sensory, Emotional Regulation. NeuroNet/StepUp to Learn combines kinesthetics with curriculum.

Areas of Application: Programs are designed to help students improve motor skills, academics, and auditory and visual processing through developing “automaticity” of neural connections.

Click Here for Downloadable PDF

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Social Skills | Groups

Thank you for your patience!

We are working on completing our schedules, staffing and curriculums for formal Social Skills Groups for targeted age groups.

Hop on over to Lake Pointe Academy on Facebook and Instagram where we are sponsoring fun friday events and other informal SOCIAL events for kiddos looking for friendships in our Granbury community.