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SPEAKER: Daniel S. Durany Sponsored by PECAN VALLEY CENTERS

  • Lake Pointe Granbury, Ph: 682-936-4112 1921 Acton Highway Granbury, TX, 76049 United States (map)

Living with Diverse Abilities-Focus on Strengths
Personal Biography 
Daniel Durany is a 2006 graduate from Texas Christian University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Communication Studies.  Daniel volunteers with FEAT (Families for Effective Autism Treatment) and pioneered a local adult Asperger’s Support Group.  He makes public speaking appearances at autism conferences and school districts around Dallas-Fort Worth.  Daniel brings an enthusiastic perspective about Aspergers during his time in school, job world, and dating/relationships to share with parents, professionals, and others with his condition.  His presentation discusses his childhood struggles in school, transitioning experience from high school-to-college, and approaches to help others similar with his condition.  In spring 2013 Daniel was appointed by the Governor to serve the State of Texas on The Council on Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders.   
Learning Objectives for Participants

  • Grasp deeper understanding of what life is like living with Asperger’s Syndrome (AS)
  • Defining and explaining the unique cognitive patterns of people with AS
  • Devising strategies to improve cognitive processing and problem solving techniques
  • Recognizing some of the unique social patterns associated with AS

Location:  Lake Pointe Academy & Resource Center
1921 Acton Highway
Granbury, TX 76049